Not very far from the Ruins of the Fortress of the Paladins is the entrance to Shame. Its current incarnation is more a puzzle the the classic dungeon. There is very little to fight here and also not much in the way of treasure. But once through the start the reward may be found at the end

  entry room
    red button (reveals shooter eye, globe hit activates target face across room, drops field)
    dart trap
    lock eye (seeing player closes entry portcullis)
  fork room
    lock eye west (controls west portcullis closes if player seen)
    lock eye east (controls east portcullis closes if player seen)
    sun target (each missile hit rotates lock eye stand one eigth turn)
    west fork
      [target room 1] eye (alternates between fireball when iris red, and globe when blue iris and tracks player, stand in front of target face in east wall for hit to open south wall)
      target room 2
        (touch armour suits in northeast and northwest corners to reveal target faces on east and west sides, respectively, of statue against south wall)
        hazy globe (issues fire balls just before solid globe fires)
        solid globe (generates hit globes to activate faces; hit on face opens wall behind it, west is the closet, east is the statue chamber)

        virtue color statue chamber
          dart trap
          green button (shows large statue over entrance, note its color)
          purple button (starts rotating color of statues counterclockwise; touch each statue as it reaches the color of the one shown by the green button, touch statue that appears on empty slot to reveal chest)
          [chest] key:black globe
        target room 3
          shooter eye (alternates between issuing fireballs and globes)
          purple button (keys up moving target face, moves back and forth along wall, hit opens north wall closet; note: lead the face to target hit)
            blue button (drops field in front of statue room)
    east fork
      rebound room
        dart trap
        control table (standing between pressure plate and table, one red button fires globe, green buttons 1 through 9 must be pressed in sequence as globe rebounds, on hit to ninth face opens south wall to floor maze, jump over red floor and hit switch on wall just inside)
5 4 R 3 2
        9 8 7 6 1
        pressure plate trap (reveals all faces, after a delay they all issue fireballs, avatar lands here if stepped onto red floors of the coming floor maze)
      floor maze
        (stay off red floors, see pressure plate trap in rebound room)
        green button (shuts down field at entry)
        eye (when player seen activates field blocking switch room)
        sun target (when shot opens path along south side of maze)
        red button (turns eye away from switch room for several seconds)
        switch room
          eye (when player seen resets any set levers)
          (16) lever (when all switched opens closet from floor maze)
          globe lock (opens stair platforms to second level)
binding circle (top of platform stairs)
          blue button (reveals transplatform, carries to large statue near start)
  second level
    [down stairs near west wall] red button (reveals transplatform near large statue, transports to walk near yellow star, transplat buggy but can return player)
    [northeast corner] yellow star
    [northwest corner] red star
    [southwest corner] blue star
    (4) shooter eyes (spinning, shoots fireballs rapidly at player near enough
in its field of vision)
    [on pedestal of shooter eye nearest large statue] red button (deletes field blocking red star)
    (pass through each star picking up its color, the player does in fact glow that color; make way back to large statue and touch statue giving it the color, when turned white … from each of three colors … statue shrinks away revealing teleporter it was sitting on, teleports to crystal barrier near column, after several seconds from arrival, you are asked for the mantra of honor, supplying it removes wall, can only continue on from here after speaking with Dupre’s shade)
  chalice room
    Chalice of Honor (blown up after chat with aforementioned by aforementioned)
    (303) qust:potential chalice of honor
  column cavern
    (near northwest wall) weap:2H:Lightning sword
    (near west wall) teleporter (back to second level teleporter)
    Eve (wyrmguard, on her death the column opens)
    drnk:bottle of whiskey
    qust:Glyph of Honor